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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Post Natal Plan For Weight Loss

Freda Gilreath August 29, 2011

My Advice:

"If you're a new mom and you're struggling to find post natal weight loss solutions or diet plans, you may want to continue reading this article. For years new mother's have struggled with the extra post pregnancy pounds but you may not have to anymore. Many women are unaware of the many natural post pregnancy weight loss solutions. There is some fabulous news you'll want to hear. You don't have to go for diet pills, disgusting shakes or spend your days trying to adjust to an impossible fitness routine.
First, let's look at some facts about pregnancy weigh gain. Why is it so difficult to get your figure back? Many women find it's near impossible to trim down after having their baby. That's usually due to lack of proper nutrition and exercise but there's no need to overdo it either. It's no secret that proper exercise is essential for women wanting to shake off the pounds but many of you worry about the harmful side-affects and injuries you may suffer in the process of trying to make that happen. So, the most important step a new mom can take to lose the weight is to find a satisfying fitness plan that won't break you. However, you don't have to put some pill in your system, especially if you're unsure how it will affect you."
The secret to a healthier life is finding it naturally. That's why I'm going to share my secrets on this subject with you. Over the past five years, being in and out of pregnancy, I became tired of being abusive to my body only to fail. Then I discovered a few secrets that work and I thought it would be a wonderful idea to share them so that women like you could benefit as well. This new post natal plan works and it's all natural.
So, you won't have to stress or be concerned about what you're doing to your body. You can rest assured that you'll lose the weight if you follow the plan. It might interest you to know that I weighed 190 pounds after my second child was born in 2003. After discovering this natural plan and applying it, I weigh 115 pounds and I feel like a teen at times. I didn't take a single pill, drink a horrid supplement or spend hours at a gym. Instead, I put a few simple steps in effect and stuck with them. It honors me to be able to share them with you and I wish you luck in your weight loss goals. These 5 simple steps follow:
( The Plan )
  • Eat a small breakfast each morning, no more than 16 ounces of food. You may eat any chosen food you wish. This will help to shake some of the calories from fatty breakfast foods and get your stomach back in shape faster.

  • About an hour after breakfast, engage in about 45 minutes of Namaste Yoga. Yoga is the most natural and the easiest exercise to begin with. It will certainly help your muscle structure and help to shape your body naturally. 
  • If you choose to have lunch, make sure your proportions are smaller and consist of all fruits or veggies, no meat or sweet foods. This can help because natural foods like these tend to fill you up faster without the added fats and sugars. Remember, natural is better for good reason.

  • Take a 30 minute walk right after lunch. Even if you choose to skip lunch, be sure you walk anyway. This will strengthen and form healthy muscle and increase energy. For those who don't know, energy is important for anyone needing to lose weight. That's because you're more likely to be active and feel better if you have more energy
  • Last and most important, make sure your final meal of the day is proportioned adequately as well and if you wish, engage in another ten minutes of exercise. This time you may choose the exercise routine. Just make sure you're not engaging in a workout that's too strenuous on your body. You need to firm your muscle and drop calories in the beginning. So don't choose a workout too vigorous to handle. That can cause you to lose interest quickly. You'll need to follow these steps at least 4 days each week in order to get all the benefits.

You may think thispost natal weight loss plan sounds difficult. It isn't but it does work if you have the willpower to stand by it. Remember, the key to this plan is through natural living. Fresh fruits and veggies will make the plan a success. You can always search natural ideas and fitness tips online if you wish to add your own touch to the post natal weight loss plan. Keep in mind that this plan was put to the test for 3 months. So it works best when applied over a similar time frame. So good luck on your weight loss journey!